
The Tower Grove South Concerned Citizen Special Business District was approved by voters in 2008 as a “Special Taxing District”.

In 2018, voters approved to extend the SBD through 2033.

The authorizing legislation can be found on the St Louis City website here.

The primary purpose is to provide enhanced security for the District which has included:

    • private patrols (off-duty City of St. Louis Police officers);
    • enhanced lighting;
    • security camera installation;
    • trash pickup;
    • crime/safety education;
    • and other safety-related services to residents living within the District.
  • Funded 100% by property taxes:
    • Not a Community Improvement District or Tax-Increment Financed (which are funded by sales tax revenue);
    • Revenue received by City of St. Louis in Feb/Mar following the close of each tax year (12/31);
    • The tax rate for 2024 will be set at $0.5610 per $100 of assessed value;
    • The maximum tax rate allowable by law is $0.71;
    • Tax rate increases are the decision of the Board and do not require a vote by taxpayers.
  • Boundaries:
    • West: Roger Place;
    • South: Gravois Ave to Phillips/Roger;
    • East: Grand Boulevard;
    • North: Alley between Utah Place and McDonald Avenue.
  • Board members:
    • Comprised of a 7-person board that is responsible for managing the business and financial activities of the taxing district:
    • Appointed by the Major;
    • Each board member serves a 4-year term;
    • Requires five (5) owners of real property within the District and two (2) renters within the District.